Salient Features of Air University School of Management(AUSOM)
What we offer:
The ever-changing dynamics of the business world now requires managers having strong
leadership, entrepreneurial, analytical and people skills as well as an ‘out-of-the-box’
thinking approach. Keeping in view the market needs, the Air University School of
Management - AUSOM offers a host of degree programs including BBA-Hons, BS-Accounting
and Finance, BS Aviation Management, BS Healthcare Management, BS Tourism & Hospitality
Management, MBA, MS Project Management, MS-Management (HR/Finance/Marketing), MS-Business
Analytics, and PhD Management Sciences (HR/Finance/Marketing) programs involving
individuals with diverse professional and educational backgrounds. AUSOM designed
programs not only develop strong managerial skills, but also foster creativity in
a challenging academic environment:
Salient Features:
1. AUSOM is the first business school in Pakistan to adopt case method of teaching
at the bachelor (BBA Hons) level.
2. For MBA, AUSOM is the only business school in Islamabad to adopt the case method
as a full-scale pedagogy. The degree includes industry based Capstone Project spread
over the final two semesters.
3. The AUSOM faculty hails from a variety of business-related discippnes and experiences.
Many of them have graduated from foreign universities. As such the teaching methodology
at AUSOM goes beyond traditional means of classroom lectures by incorporating case
studies, team projects, internships, industrial visits and continuous interaction
with corporate leaders.
4. The curricula comprehensively cover all areas of business courses taught in the
leading business schools of the world. Our smart and highly quapfied team of instructors
is poised to instill knowledge and skills necessary for students to excel in real
business world.
5. Research-active faculty in the field of social science is a standout feature of
any prestigious university. Majority of AUSOM faculty members are HEC approved supervisors,
and over the years have been pubpshing actively in reputed journals and in higher
categories of HEC Journal Recognition System (HJRS). Since research informs teaching,
this enables teachers to provide relevant evidences in support of the theoretical
contents they share.
6. AUSOM takes a lead in offering market driven degrees. Following last government’s
initiative to support tourism industry in Pakistan, AUSOM launched BS in Tourism
& Hospitapty Management.
7. AUSOM also launched BS in Aviation Management, and BS in Healthcare Management program,
considering the market needs and importance of suitably educated professionals,
to cater requirements of specific industries.
8. BS in Accounting & Finance program is offered with international recognition (ACCA
– UK).
9. AUSOM’s FYPs are practical firm based projects, with a unique imitative of writing
case studies on firms.
10. AUSOM has its own CPEC research center, which systematically reviewed the large
amount of scholarly pterature on special economic zones (SEZ) and mapped it. The
CPEC center is currently working on how location of a SEZ, and strategic configuration
of firms operating in SEZ, affect the well-being of its stakeholders. CPEC center
provided technical assistance to ministry of overseas Pakistanies in estabpshing
state of the art university, and helped develop its charter. It plans to conduct
detailed research that will help in addressing socio economic issues of Pakistan
through export processing zones.
11. AUSOM was the first department to launch onpne interactive teaching in 2020 when
many other universities went into lock-down.
12. AUSOM has a transparent process of faculty hiring, requiring a multi stage case
based process of departmental demos and interviews.
13. AUSOM is collaborating with other AU departments in pursuit of entrepreneurship
projects and potential start-ups.